Washington, USA
President IIRA: Thomas A. Kochan
Track 1: The Global Human Resource Challenge: Managing Diversity in International Settings
Rapporteur: Rosalie L. Tung
Invited Paper Abstracts:
- Employment and Wage Practices of Japanese Firms in the Philippines: Convergence with Philipino-Chinese and Western-owned Firms, Maragtas S.V. Amante
- Human Resources Strategies and Firm Performance: What Do We Know and Where Do We Need to Go?, Lee Dyer and Todd Reeves
- Employment Equity, Human Resource Development and Institution Building in South Africa, Frank M. Horwitz
- Building Integrated Workforces across National Borders: The Case of British and Japanese Engineers, Alice Lam
- Strategic Compensation in South Korea’s Publicly Traded Firms, Michael Byungnam Lee, Vida Scarpello and B. Wayne Rockmore
- Employee Intercultural Effectiveness in a Multicultural Workplace: Theoretical Propositions, Strategies and Direction for Future Research, Aminu Mamman
- Extending beyond Borders: Multinational Companies and the International Management of Labor, Paul Marginson, Peter Armstrong, P.K. Edwards and John Purcell
- Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations in Italy, Serafino Negrelli and Tiziano Treu
- Strategic International Human Resource Management Approaches in the Maquiladora Industry: A Comparison of Japanese, Korean and U.S. Firms, Yongsun Paik and Mary B. Teargarden
- The Adoption of International Best Practices in a Western Culture: East Meets West Mark, A. Shadur, John J. Rodwell, Greg J. Bamber and David Simmons
- Competitive Advantages of Nations: The Role of HRM and its Socio-cultural Context, Monir Taycb
- Human Resource Management in German and American owned Companies: How National Institutions Do and Don’t Constrain Organizational Strategies, Kirsten S. Wever
- Downward Influence Styles in Cultural Diversity Settings, Ryh-song Yeh
Track 2: Emerging Models of Worker Participation and Representation
Rapporteur: Berndt K. Keller
Invited Paper Abstracts:
- Multi-union Collective Bargaining Structures in South Africa-Case Studies, Chris Albertyn and Alan Rycroft
- Industrial Relations: Is France a Special Case? Jean-Francois Amadieu
- Worker Participation in Diverse Settings: Does the Form Affect the Outcome, and if so, Who Benefits? Rosemay Batt and Eileen Appelbaum
- Participation, Remuneration, Representation and Workplace Performance: ‘The British Evidence, Sue Fernie and David Metcalf
- Employee Buyouts in Canada: A Blending of Cultures, Morely Gunderson, Jeffrey Sack, James McCartney, David Wakely and Jonathan Eaton
- Changing Perspectives or Worker Participation in India with Particular Reference to the Banking Industry, Jacob Mankidy
- Reform-Unions’ Future, Greg McLean
- The Limits of Enterprise Unionism: Prospects for Continuing Union Decline in Japan, James B. Rehitzer and Tsuyoshi Tsuru
- Works Councils: Barriers or Boost for the Future Competitiveness of German Firms, Dieter Sadowski, Uschi Backes-Gellner and Bernd Frick
Track 3: The Challenge to Government Policy: Promoting Competitive Advantage with Full Employment and High Labor Standards
Rapporteur: Richard B. Freeman
Invited Paper Abstracts:
- Employment and Competitiveness: The Peruvian Experience, Luis Aparicio-Valdez
- Wage Austerity and/or an Educational Push: The French Dilemma, Robert Boyer
- Italy: The Social Consequences of Economic and Monetary Union, Renato Brunetta and Leonello Tronti
- Wages and Job Creation in Australia and the U.S., R.J. Gregory
- Jobs , Labor Standards and Promoting Competitive Advantage: Canada’s Policy Challenge, Morley Gunderson and W. Craig Riddell
- Job Growth and the Quality of Jobs in the U.S. Economy, Susan N. Houseman
- Employment, Labor Standards and Economic Development in Taiwan and Korea, Joseph S. Lee and Young-bum Park
- Regulation vs. Deregulation: Which Route for Europe’s Labor Markets`? David Marsden
- Do Labor Market Policies and Institutions Matter? The Adjustment Experience in Latin America and the Caribbean, Martin Rama
Track 4: New Models of Negotiations, Dispute Resolution and Joint Problem Solving
Rapporteur : Jean Sexton
Invited Paper Abstracts:
- Good Industrial Relations, Joint Problem Solving and HRM: Issues and Implications, Philip Beaumont and R.I.D. Harris
- Workplace Europe: Direct Participation in Organizational Change-Some Findings, Alain Chouraqui, Ida Regalia and Keith Sisson
- Global Implications of Recent Innovations in U.S. Collective Bargaining, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Donald Power and Maureen McCabe-Power
- Dispute Resolution, Negotiation and Mediation in Greek Industrial Relations: Is there Any Change? Eleonora Karassavidou and Yannis Markovits
- Russia: A New Approach Toward Negotiation and Dispute Settlement, Alexander Kurennoy
- The Interaction of Production, Distribution and Rule Systems in Industrial Relations: The Case of the Korean Auto Industry, Hyo Soo Lee
- Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Essential Services: The Quebec Experience as a Model of Comparison, Madeleine Lemieux
- Industrial Action or Collective Bargaining: How to Solve the Problems of the Bulgarian Industrial Relations System, Ekaterina Riberova
- Models of Negotiation, Dispute Resolution and Joint Problem Solving in Zimbabwe, L.M. Sachikonye
- Developments in Negotiations and Dispute Resolution in Japan, Yasuo Sawa
Track 5: Industrial Relations, Economic Development and Democracy in the 21st Century
Rapporteur: Loet Douwes Dekker
Invited Paper Abstracts:
- Transforming Industrial Relations in Russia: A Case of Convergence with Industrialized
- Market Economics? Greg Bamber and Valentin Peschanski
- Prosperity without Citizenship: Industrial Relations and Industrial Democracy in Hong Kong, Stephen Chin and David A. Levin
- Privatization and Labor Relations in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Vladislav Egorov
- Democracy, Labor and Development: Transforming Industrial Relations in Africa, Tayo Fashoyin and Segun Matanmi
- Industrial Relations in Turbulent Times: Changes in Postcommunist Europe, Josef Koubek, Ariane Hegewisch and Chris Brewster
- Economic Development and Industrial Relations in South and Southeast Asia: Past Trends and Future Directions, Sarosh Kuruvilla
- Labor Relations, Economic Development and Democracy in the 21st Century, Francisco Zapata
Poster Session A
- Sita C. Amba-Rao (U.S.A.)- Comparative HRM Practices in India: Empirical Findings and Implications for the New Economic Environment
- Charles-Henri d’Arcimoles (France) – Some Signs and Factors of Effective Human Resource Management (HRM): A Cross-sectional Analysis from 1982 to 1989
- John Benson (Japan) – Management Strategy and Labor Flexibility in Japanese Manufacturing Enterprises
- Boyd Black (Ireland) – National Cultures, Human Resource Practices, and Employee Performance
- Christine E. Clason and Helen M. Hootsmans (Netherlands)- Models for the Future: Is Part-time Work Past History or Tomorrow’s Future?
- Rita Cunha (Portugal), Henrik Holt Larsen (Denmark), and Chris Brewster (U.K.) – The Management of Industrial Relations: Evidence from Europe
- Don Dingsdad (Australia) The Management of Occupational Health and Safety in the NSW Coal Mining Industry, 1984-1994
- Christine Edwards, Rosemary Welchman and Jean Woodall (U.K.)- Organizational Restructuring and Women Manager’s Careers
- Maria Tereza Leme Fleury (Brazil) – Organizational Change and Management Policies-A Comparative Study of Brazilian, Japanese and Korean Firms
- Maria Carmen Galang (Canada) – Cultural Differences in Preferred Relationship Patterns between Workers and Managers: Implications for Human Resource Management
- Patrick Gunnigle (Ireland) – The Management of Industrial Relations in Greenfield Sites in the Republic of Ireland: Challenging a Collectivist Tradition
- Luiz Gutierrez (Belgium) – Human Resources in the Context of a Restructuring Process
- Ken Kamoche (U.K.) – The Management of Human Resources and Capabilities in International Business
- Cecilia Maria Lusnich and Alicia Maria Manzano (Argentina) – Labor Market in Latin America-Female Labor and Labor Instability
- Mani K. Madala (India) – Employment of Women for Competitive Advantage: Challenges to Labor Policy Makers-Some Innovative Strategies
- McCormick and K.J. McCormick (U.K.) – UK Strategies on Deregulation and Foreign Direct Investment in the Context of European Union Policies on Unfair Competition
- Hans-Goran Myrdal (Sweden) – The ILO in Crossfire-Would It Survive the Social Clause?
- Jean-Pierre Neveu and J. Igalens (France) – International Human Resource Management: Experimenting with Training for Cognitive Development
- Andrew Pendleton (U.K.) – Does Privatization Change Industrial Relations? Evidence from the UK
- R. Satya Raju (India) – The Challenge to Government Policy: Promoting Competitive Advantage with Full Employment and High Labor Standards in India
- Zhu Ying (Australia) – The Challenges for Industrial Relations in China
- Susan Zeitz (Australia) – Arbitration to Mediation: Changing an Industrial Culture from Confrontation to Cooperation
Poster Session B
- Stephen Adler (Israel) – The Israel Labor Courts
- Amnon Caspi (Israel) – Follow-up Committees: A New Tool for Handling Disputes in the Private and the Public Sectors in Israel
- Ellen Dannin (U.S.A.) and Clive Gilson (New Zealand) – Impasse Tactics under the NLRA (U.S.) and the ECA (N.Z.) and the Implications for Collective Bargaining Reform
- Jesper Due, Jorgan Steen Madsen and Nikolaj Lubanski (Denmark) – Coalitions and Collective Bargaining
- Cecilia Senen Gonzales and Hector Palomino (Argentina) – Emergence of New Subsystems of Labor Relations in Companies-Their Social and Cultural Impacts
- Larry Haivan and Robert Laurie (Canada) – Professionalism and Community of Interest in Canadian Collective Bargaining: The Case of Paramedical Occupations
- Harish C. Jain and S. Muthuchidambaram (Canada) – Strike Replacement Ban in Ontario and its Relevance to U.S. Labor Law Reform
- Segun Matanmi (Nigeria) – Concession Bargaining in Nigeria: Ephemeral or Permanent IR Feature?
- Simon Milner (U.K.) – Negative Voice Mechanisms in Nonunion Plants in Britain
- John M. O’Brien (Australia) – Bargaining Outcomes in Decentralizing Public Sector Environments: Australia and New Zealand
- Brian O’Neill (Australia) – New Models of Negotiations, Dispute Resolution and Joint Problem Solving
- Paolo Reboani (U.K.) – Management of Employee’s Career Patterns in the Banking Sector: A Case Study in the Italian Experience
- Joseph B. Rose (Canada) – Attitudes toward Collective Bargaining and Interest Arbitration
- Francesca Sacchi and Ruggero Parrotto (Italy) – Industrial Relations in the Involvement and Participation Process, Italian Telecommunications: Toward a Singular and Privatized Corporation in the 21st Century
- Makiko Sato (Japan) – Gender, Women, and Feminist Matters in Japan
- Michgel Segalla (France) – Analysis of Authority, Influence and Power Distribution in European Organizations: Implications for Creating Strategic IR/HRM Policies on a European-wide Level
- H.N. Shrinivas (India) – Human Resource Development to Face Emerging Economic Challenges in India
- J.S. Sodhi (India) – Economic Restructuring and Industrial Relations/Human Resources in India
- A.V. Subbarro (Canada) – Managing Workforce Diversity: An Innovation or an Evolution?
- Andras Toth (Hungary) – Personnel Strategies of Multinational Companies in Hungary: Conflict and Accommodation
- Andras Toth (Hungary) – Multi-Employer Collective Bargaining and its Role in Regulating Terms and Conditions of Employment in Hungary
- Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay (Canada) – The Transformation of Industrial Relations and Employment Systems in Canada in View of the Competitive Advantages of the Japanese and the North American Models
- S.S. Vaidyanathan (India) – Innovations in Self-Reliance
- David Wan Tai Wai and Ong Chin Huat (China) – Union-Management Relations in Singapore’s Manufacturing Sector: The Human Resource Manager’s Perspective
- Pat Walsh (New Zealand) – Decentralizing FIRM in the New Zealand Public Sector
- Christo de Wet van Wyk (South Africa) – Unions, New Technology Agreements and Technology Policies within the Framework of the RDP in South Africa
- David Worland (Australia) – Consultation in Enterprise Agreements: The Australian Experience
- Isik Urla Zeytinoglu and Jeanne Norris (Canada) – Global Diversity in Employment Relationships: A Typology of Flexible Employment
Poster Session C
- Allan Claudius Queiroz Barbosa (Brazil) – Work Conditions and Workers Partnerships: How Far Does the Partnership Extend?
- Dhulasi Bhirunda and P. Vijayan (India) – Worker’s Participation in Management: A Case Study in Bharat Heavy Electricals, Tiruchirapalli, India
- Ashwin G. Desai (South Africa) – Labor Relations in Transition: The Rise of Corporatism in South Africa’s Automobile Industry
- Carola M. Frege (U.K.) – Workers Relationship toward Interest Representation in Post Socialist East Germany
- Steve Frenkel, Marek Korczynski, Leigh Donoghue and Karen Shire (Australia) – Reorganizing Work: New Directions in Theory and Research
- Piet Gevers (Belgium) – Possibilities and Limits of a Social Dialogue in the Public Sector in Europe
- Janet Hilowitz (U.S.A.) – Women, the Labor Market and Industrial Relations in Switzerland
- S. Krishnamurthy (India) – Human Resource Management Problems of Developing Countries with the Changing World Economic Scenario: The Indian Experiment
- Csilla Kollonay Lehoczky (Hungary) – The Emergence of New Forms of Workers Participation in the Central and East European Countries
- Kurpakose Mamkoottam (India) – Globalization, Technological Change and HR Studies
- Heinz Markmann (Germany) – Fifty Years of Industrial Relations in Germany: A Success Story
- James E. Martin (U.S.A.) – Correlates of Effective Crew Chief Utilization: Lessons from the U.S. Postal Service
- C.P. Thakur (India) – Challenge to the Government Policy: Promoting Competitive Advantage with Full Employment and High Labor Standards-Experience of a Developing Country
- P. Vijayan (India) and Harry Oiles (U.K.) – Institutional Change Aspects of HRD: A Case Study of Water Supply in India
Poster Session D
- Funmi Adewumi (Nigeria) – Industrial Relations, Economic Development and Democracy: The Imperatives of a New Work and Political Order
- W. Backer (South Africa) – Strikes As a Tool in Democratizing the Workplace
- Loet Douwes Dekker (South Africa) – Unionism and Social Exclusion
- Jesper Due, Jorgen Steen Madsen, and Henrik Vistisen (Denmark) – Industrial Relations in the Public Sector
- Otto Jacobi and Manfred Weiss (Germany) – The Establishment of European Works Councils as a Mutual Learning Process
- Chris Jecchinis (Canada) – Social Democracy and Development: The Humanitarian and Utilitarian Aspects of Workers’ Rights and Participation
- Evance Kalula (South Africa) – From Here to Eternity: Labor Policy, Democratic Transformation and Regional Integration in South Africa
- Mark G. Kenny (Australia) – Industrial Relations, Economic Development and Democracy in the 21st Century with Reference to Australia
- Manik Kher (India) – Industrial Relations and Economic Development in Indian Democracy
- Vladimir Lazarenko and Shedyakov Vladimir (Ukraine) – Scientific Intellectual Potential and Transformation of Industrial Relations in Ukraine
- Maria Matey (Poland) – Adjustment of Polish Labor Relations to the European and World Industrial Relations Systems
- Hugh McBride (Australia) – The Needs of Democracy for the 21st Century
- Greg McLean (Australia) – Emerging Models of Worker Participation and Representation
- Thomas Murakami ( U.K.) – Teamwork and Participation in the German Automobile Industry
- Godwin Ernest Ndonde and Joseph Mkama Mwinulla (Tanzania) – The Missing Links in the Changing Trends of Industrial Relations in Tanzania
- B.R. Patil (India) – Employee Participation and Representation Patterns and Systems in Information Technology Industry in Bangalore (India)
- Bernard Portis (New Zealand) – The Role of Unions in Workplace Reform
- K. Ramesh (India) – Globalization and Indian Industry
- P. Subba Rao (India) – Management Participation in Trade Unions for Information Sharing and Consultation-An Experiment
- Ruben Rotondaro (U.S.A.) – Labor, Development and Democracy: A Global Approach to an Industrial Relations System
- Keimpe Schilstra and Evert Smit (Netherlands) – Three Scenario’s of Worker Representation in the Netherlands
- Joyce Shaidi (Tanzania) – Worker Participation and Structural Adjustment Programs in Tanzania: The Need for Restructuring Workers’ Participation
- Arnold E. Sibanda (Zimbabwe) – State and Industrial Relations in Zimbabwe
- Keri Spooner (Australia) – Equity and Social Justice Concerns Associated with Australia’s Move to Enterprise Bargaining
- Darcy du Toit (South Africa) – Corporatism.and Collective Bargaining in a Democratic South Africa
- Soile Tuorinsuo (Finland) – Dual Labor Markets and Participation