
The ILERA Publication Series was established in 2014 on the general theme of comparative labour and employment relations. This first volume will be co-published end-2017 by ILERA, the International Labour Office and Edward Elgar Publishing. Books in this series will focus on comparative analysis of “labour and employment relations”. This term is to be interpreted broadly and comprises all aspects of work including labour policy, labour market analysis, labour relations and collective bargaining, human resource management, and work- and workplace – related topics.

Making and Breaking Gender Inequalities in Work

Making and Breaking Gender Inequalities in Work

This timely book expertly analyses the persistence of gender inequalities in work. Despite the progress made through frameworks regulating work and employment relations, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed and exacerbated gender divides in labour markets. The authors present innovative ways to promote gender equality in a variety of industrial relations systems, welfare state models and labour market sectors.

Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism

Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism

This engaging and timely book provides an in-depth analysis of work and labour relations within global platform capitalism with a specific focus on digital platforms that organise labour processes, known as labour platforms. Well-respected contributors thoroughly examine both online and offline platforms, their distinct differences and the important roles they play for both large transnational companies and those with a smaller global reach.

Organizing matters: Two logics of trade union representation

Organizing matters: Two logics of trade union representation

Organizing matters demonstrates the interplay between two distinct logics of labour’s collective action: on the one hand, workers coming together, usually at their place of work, entrusting the union to represent their interests and, on the other, social bargaining in which the trade union constructs labour’s interests from the top down.

Other publications

The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations. Events, Ideas and the IIRA

The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations. Events, Ideas and the IIRA

Essential reading for all those concerned with the history and practice of industrial relations, this landmark volume chronicles the evolution of the field to date. It focuses on the largely untold story of how the globalization of industrial relations took hold, and explores in depth the pivotal events, ideas and people behind it.