President IIRA: Tadashi Hanami
Reporter: Russell D. Lansbury, University of Sydney, Australia
- Do High Performance Work Systems Pay Off? Kalleberg, Appelbaum, Bailey and Berg.
- Skills Formation in the Knowledge Based Economy: Transformation Pressures In European High-Technology Industries. Lam.
- Can the Right Kinds of Labour Institutions Create Jobs? Marsden.
- Development of Atypical Forms of Employment: How Japan Differs from European Countries (France in Particular). Suzuki, Ogura.
- The impact of the information society on the world of work in developed countries. Blanpain.
- The network revolution: A study of the impact of electronic commerce and the industrial relations implications. Browne.
- Work relationships, Employee Attitudes and the Intensification of Work in Telephone Call Centres in Australia. Deery, Iverson and Walsh
- International comparison of determinants of creativity and performance of R&D Engineers. Ishida, Ishikawa.
- Temporary work and telework. Ladwig, Domsch, Kleiminger.
- Diversity in contingent employment practices in the Philippins: Policy Options. Amante
- Labour Market change and the contingent workforce: the use of employment agencies. Druker and Stanworth.
- Contingent employment contracts: are existing employment theories still relevant? Gallagher and Sverke.
- Job perceptions of leased employees in Taiwan. Jean.
- The perspectives for a new and comprehensive vision of the protection of workers. Marin.
- Diversification in the use of atypical workers at the Japanese establishments. Nishikawa.
- Employee leasing and job satisfaction: Case of Korea (contingent employment arrangement in Korea and its impact on employee wellbeing. Park.
- Technological change, training, and job tasks in a high-tech industry. Campbell.
- Technology and market forces – and how they are as well conditioned by as influencing institutionalized industrial relations. Sorensen and Sommer.
- Return to taylorism? Work organization and labour policy in the German auto industry.
Reporter: William Brown, University of Cambridge, UK
- Labour regulations and workplace labour relations in Southern Africa. Fashoyin.
- Globalisation, EMU and industrial relations in the European Union. Kauppinen.
- The emergence of regional systems of employment relations: the case of the European Union. Keller.
- Labor standards and international trade: the case of child labor in Brazil. Pastore.
- Global unionism: Organisational challenges. Borgers.
- The social effects of globalization on labour law. Moreau and Trudeau.
- Impact of globalisation on national and regional systems of industrial relations. Ratnam.
- The social dimension to regional trading blocs: lessons from the EU and NAFTA. Teague.
- Regulation of occupational health and safety in the NAFTA countries: Divergent models. Thompson.
- Bargaining on employment in Europe: the example of the European car industry. Zagelmeyer.
- The implications of internationalisation of competition and regulation for decentralisation within European industrial relations systems. Arrowsmith and Sisson.
- From the national to the local: the effects of globalization on Indian industrial relations. Bhattacherjee.
- Labour relations and the law in three East Asian NICs: Some problems and issues for comparative labour law inquiry. Mitchell.
- The institutional framework of labour relations in the transformation countries of Central and Eastern Europe: views on the research agenda. Zeuner.
- The impact of globalization on industrial relations in Asia. A comparative review and analysis. Kuruvilla and Erickson.
- Changes in labour market regulation: A comparative study of the impacts of global competition on Danish and New Zealand labour market trends. Rasmussen and Lind.
- Human resource management strategies and foreign direct investment in the U.S. Cooke.
- Country-of-origin effects and the management of HR/IR in multinationals: German companies in Britain and Spain. Ferner, Quintanilla and Varul.
- An exploration framework for Globalizing human resource management: implications from the Jpanese MNCs under transformation challenge. Kuan.
- HRM strategy of Japanese MNCs in the European Union – Managing uniformity vs. diversity -. Nagai.
- Management development of professionals of a diverse workforce in global corporations. Subbarao.
Reporter: Harry C. Katz, Cornell University, USA
- Workers’ participation in modernising Durgapur steel plant. Bhattacharya.
- A new challenge for trade unions – the cooperational modernization of municipal services in Finland. Kalliola.
- Participation and democracy at work. Lapointe.
- Employee perceptions of job influence under varying forms of organizational participation. Delbridge and Whitfield.
- The future of the labour movement: Some observations on developing countries. Jose.
- Korean trade union movement, manpower policy and labour market. Kim.
- The future of the Labor movement in Japan: experiments and possibilities. Kuwahara.
- The future of the Labor Movement in Italy. Pisani and Brighi.
- The future of the labour movement in France, the decline in the rate of organization reasons and prospects. Rojot.
- The future of the lbor movement in the USA. Wheeler.
- Union weakness and collective interests in Eastern Europe: Recent evidence from Hungary. Frege and Toth.
- Globalization and international industrial relations in maritime transport: the multinational collective bargaining system in flag-of-convention shipping. Koch-Baumgarten.
- The strategic revival and renewal of labour movements: the experiences of Britain and Japan. Salmon, Delbridge, Heery, Simms, Simpson and Tabata.
- Essential service unionism and the new industrial relations. Fleming and Peetz.
- Is there a future for a labour accord in South Africa? Harcourt and Wood.
- Workplace change in South Africa: Labour and Management participation in implementing change in the plastic conversion industry at the workplace level – A cluster initiative. Van Wyk and Pienaar.
- The role of union in the two-stage privatization of state-owned enterprises – A case study of the Taiwan aerospace industrial development corporation. Wei.
- The changes in the bases of the “employee participation system” in China. Xu.
- From deregulation to co-regulation – neo-corporatism and its contribution to a theory of coordinated labor market regulation. Jorgensen.
- Flexibility and fairness in Indian labour policy: A study of social protection programs. Reguri.
- Work-family balancing: How to reconcile work and family while ensuring fairness and equality for women? Tremblay.
- Equal opportunities and collective bargaining in 15 European countries. Weiler.
- Looking for a new balance between family life and working life – a Scandinavian perspective. Holt.
- Global equity in the Twenty-First century in selected countries. Jain.
- Harmonization between family responsibility and work in Japan: Meaning of child care and elderly care for working woman. Maeda.
- Prospects for women workers at East Asia Air: Sky’s the limit or rough climb though thick clouds?. Ng and Fosh.
- Balancing work and family responsibilities – an Australian perspective. Ross.
- An evaluation of labour flexibility initiatives in a medium sized public sector organization. Baetge and Hortman.
- Building fairness and flexibility through labour management partnerships. Changra and Ratnam.
- Does performance pay lead to greater job flexibility in public services? Marsden, French and Kubo.
- 6+6 working time model: reduced working time as a tool in reorganising work flexibility. Peltola.
- New designs for promotion labor flexibility and social protection in Eastern and Central Europe. Swiatkowski.
- Employment arrangements, enterprise bargaining and gender in small and large Australian workplaces. Strachan.
- Training or subsidised jobs- what works? Employment impact of seven Swedish labour market programmes. Harkman and Johansson.
- Employee inventions and works for hire in Japan. Lo.
- Recruitment problems: Reasons for short-term job mismatch and policies to tackle it. Raisanen.
- The consequences of public policy toward the older worker in America and Japan under a global economy. Siegel.
- Creating jobs, creating workers: enterprise reform and employment strategies for redundant workers in the people’s republic of China. Sun.
- Changing employment relations in seven Asia-Pacific Countries. Bamber, Leggett and Ross.
- Industrial relations and the Asian economic crisis: an analysis of the short term impacts and long term implications for industrial relations systems. Erickson and Kuruvilla.
- Social and labour agendas in the first half ot 21st century in Asia. Nakamura.
- Financial crisis, labor flexibility and social safety net in Korea and Thailand. Park and Siengthai.
- The future of Chinese industrial relations: A critical evaluation in its Asia Pacific Regional Context. Warner.
- Migration and labor relations in post-crisis Asia. Battistella.
- Recovery from the crisis: the prospects for social dialogue in East Asia. Campbell.
- Hong Kong in the Twenty-First century: Challenges and opportunities for labour. Chiu and Levin.
- A critical analysis of the rationale underpinning human resource astrategies in turbulent times: Thailand and Vietnam. Kamoche.
- Globalization and the Asian economic crisis: an assessment of the social accord initiatives in the Philippines. Ofreneo.
- Effective skill formation: the missing link between capital investment and increasing prosperity. Verma and Betcherman.
- Variations in Employment relations between indigenous Taiwanese firms and their subsidiaries in Mainland China. Chen, Lawler and Bae.
- Factors influencing labor-management relations in foreign subsidiaries. Park and Yu.
- Personnel policies in Sino-Foreign joint ventures and foreign subsidiaries in the people’s republic of China. Sadowski.
- Foreign direct investment and employment management: the response of Japanese companies abroad to local labour law. Yamakawa.
- Employee participation, organizational commitment and human resource management policies in Taiwan’s privatizing companies. Chiu and Han.
- Employee representation and workplace participation (focus on Philippine labor management councils). Gatchallan.
- The impact of globalization on employment and industrial relations: the 21st century scenario of Bangladesh. Hoque.
- Emerging patterns of human resource management in Korea: evidence from large Korean firms. Kim and Yu.
- Comparative research on Employment practices in Japan and Korea – with a focus on the convernsion from know-how secrecy to know-how openness in the steel industry – Hak Soo.
- The Indian Industrial Relations System and its viability in the context of globalization. Ramesh.
- Cambodia’s industrial relations: in search of a strategic framework. Rong.
- Globalization and national industrial relations systems: Implications from the Singapore case. Tan.
- Employment relations – national characteristics and their changes. Vinh.