A New Vision of Industrial Relations for Africa: Harmonising Social and Economic Strategies in a Globalising World.
Track 1: Labour Market Reforms: Reconciling Flexibility and Workers’ Aspirations
- Labour Market Reforms: Elements for an African Model
- Meeting the Challenges of Globalisation: National Experience
- Globalisation and Trade unions
Track 2: Harmonizing African Cultural Heritage for Social Dialogue and Regional Integration
- Social Dialogue in the Development Context
Track 3: Beyond Formal Labour Relations: The Challenge of the Informal Economy
- National Experience
- Employment Relations and Partnerships in Informal Sector
- Social Protection in the Informal Sector
Track 4: Building Social Protection Systems and the Threat of HIV/AIDS and Other Barriers in the Workplace
- The Role on Gender, Class and Disability in the Building of Social Protection
- HIV/AIDS in the Workplace and Social Protection