Industrial Democracy, Partnership and Decent Work in Responding to the Global Crisis
Track 1: Industrial Relations in Globalizing Asia
Chair: Prof Tayo Fashoyin, ILERA Secretary
Plenary Session: Towards Industrial Democracy and Productivity Enhancement. Prof Maragtas S.V. Amante, Hanyang University.
Parallel session papers
Best Practices of Filipino Entrepreneurs in Promoting Workplace Democracy and Productivity. Raymund Sisenando R. Mercado, Development Center for Asia Africa Pacific, Philippines
Knowledge Intensive Production and Democracy at Work: Differences between East Asia and the Nordic Countries. Daniel Fleming, Soeborg, Roskilde University, Denmark
Tracking Employees’ Line of Orientation for Understanding Democratization of Workplace: Perspectives from the Indian ITEs Sector. Partha Sarkar, University of Burdwan, India. Ranjan Sarkar, Acclaris Business Solutions, India
The Role of Trade Unions to Accelerate Democratization Growth in Workplace for Oil and Gas Industry in Indonesia. Ari Kartika Dewa, Total E&P Indonesia
Democracy at the Workplace and the Role of Worker Cooperatives in the Philippines. Virginia A. Teodosio, University of the Philippines.
Does an Incentivised Environment affect Corporate Culture and Workplace Democratization Practices in the ITEs Sector? Evidences from Workplaces in India and Philippines. Partha Sarkar, University of Burdwan, India. Ranjan Sarkar, Acclaris Business Solutions, India. Pita Ponce, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Labour Complaint in Sabah: Analysis of Comparison between Procedures and Practices. Mahadirin HJ. Ahmad, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Trade Union Autocracy in Turkey: A Case Study of Turk-Metal. Engin Yildmm, Sakarya Universitesi, Turkey.
Industrial Relations in a Globalising Asia. Jaya Ganesan, Multimedia University, Malaysia Dynamics of industrial Relations in India after Globalization. Mohanakumar S, India
Gender Pay Gap and Productivity Enhancement at the Workplace in Indonesia. Lusiani Julia, ILO Jakarta, Indonesia
ASEAN Regional Integration: Impact on Workers & Industrial Relation s Maragtas S.V. Amante, Hanyang University, South Korea
Public Sector Trade Unionism in Malaysia: A Practical Explanation. Saadon Awang, Universiti of Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Investigating Industrial Relations in Franchise Firms. Ashlea Kellner, Keith Townsend, Adrian Wilkinson, Griffith University, Australia
Dynamics of Industrial Relations. Faisal Mahmood Ghani, Pakistan
A Historical Overview of Employer-Employee Relations in Japan. Fumitaka Furuoka, Beatrice Lim, Khairul Hanim Pazim, Balakrishnan Parasura man, Balan Rathkrishnan, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
TRACK 2: Responding Global Financial Crisis
Chair: Prof Tayo Fashoyin, ILERA Secretary
Plenary Session: The Impact on Asian Industrial Relations. Prof Anil Verma, Toronto University, Canada
Parallel session papers
Global Financial Crisis and Trends in Indian Industrial Relations. Pravin Sinha, Indian industrial Relations Association, India
Impacts of Thailand’s National Training Program towards Unemployed Responding to the Global Financial Crisis 2009. Jomphong Mongkhonvanit, Siam University, Thailand
Employment Insurance System and Extended Unemployment Benefits during the Global Crisis: Lessons from the U.S., Japan, and Germany to Build Effective and Efficient Employment Insurance Scheme in the ASEAN countries. Yuki Masujima, Brandeis international Business School, USA
The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Employment Relations: An Internationally Comparative Approach. Russell D. Lansbury, Nick Wailes, University of Sydney. Greg J.Bamber, University of Monash, Australia
The Global Financial Crisis and Employment Relations in Singapore, Indonesia and Australia. Peter Waring, John Lewer & Robert Cochrane, University of Newcastle, Australia
Responding to Global Financial crisis: The UCCI Experience. Cecilia Junio-Sabio, Artemio H. Arellano, Carmencita J. Asilo, United Coconut Chemicals, Philippines
Crisis Impact on Indonesian Automotive Industrial Relations. Aryana Satrya, Riani Rachmawati, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
From Consensus to Crisis: A Review of Labour’s Journey through Globalization. Stephane Le Queux, James Cook University, Australia
Between the Party-State, Employers and Workers: Multiple Roles of the Chinese Trade Union during Market Transition: A Survey of 1811 Enterprise Union Chairpersons. Qiao Jian, China Institute of Industrial Relations, China
Labour-management relationships in transition: Convergence or divergence in Vietnam & Indonesia? Ngan Collins, Alan Nankervis, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia. Sari Sitalaksmi, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
The Effects of Employing Temporary Workers on Wages of Permanent Workers at the Firm-Level. Hee-Eun Jang & Sun-Oong, Hwang, Yonsei University, South Korea
Support of Government Agencies to Philippine Small and Informal Entrepreneurs. MA Catalina Tolentino, University of the Philippines
The Status Quo and the Characteristics of Collective Actions in China. Cheng Chang, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Faculty Choice of Defined Contribution Pensions in Japan. Satoshi P. Watanabe, Hiroshima University, Japan
National Training Program toward Unemployed Responding to the Global Financial Crisis 2009 in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Jomphong Mongkhonvanit, Siam University, Thailand.
Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia. Aryana Satrya, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
The Right to Occupational Health and Safety and its Legislation in China. Chang Kai, Renmin University, China
TRACK 3: Partnership at work
Chair: Prof Tayo Fashoyin, ILERA Secretary
Plenary Session: The Role of Social Partners in Developing Industrial Harmony. Prof Balakrishnan Parasuraman, University of Malaysia.
Parallel session papers
Partnership at the Workplace: A Critical Assessment on Union-Management Relationship at Japanese Multinationals in Indonesia. Riani Rachmawati , University of Indonesia, Indonesia. Alex de Ruyter, University of Birmingham, UK
The Impact of Representative Employee Participation on Business Outcomes and Employee Well- Being: Cases from New Zealand. Raymond Markey, Candice Harris, Katherine Ravenswood, Gay Simpkin, David Williamson, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.
Joint Consultation Committee in the Malaysian Steel Industry. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia. Diana Kelly, University of Wollongong, Australia
The Role of Labor-Management Councils in the Changing World of Work. Virgel C. Binghay, University of the Philippines, Philippines
Employee Participation Employee Well-Being: Denmark and New Zealand. Raymond Markey, Candice Harris, Katherine Ravenswood, Gay Simpkin, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. Hennan Knudsen Ole Busck, Jens Lind, Aalborg University, Denmark
Employment Relations in the Indonesian Hospitality Industry: Three Case Studies. Hendragunawan Sardjan Thayf, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
The Practice of Employee Participation in Malaysia’s Public Sector: from the Academic, Employers, and Trade Union Perspectives. Badariah Ab Rahman, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Sociological Aspects of Labour-Management Relations in Pakistan. Faisal Mahmood Ghani, Pakistan
How Company Cooperatives Play a Role in Industrial Relations System. Hendri Hartopo, Indonesia. Aryana Satrya, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
The Importance of Communications in Building Industrial Relations Harmonious: A Case Study. Maulina Wulandari, John Burgess, University of Newcastle, Australia
Management and Labour Relations in a context of Competitive Work Environment: Evaluating the Process of Interests Mediation in an Oil Refinery, Nigeria. Olusegun lurotimi Oladeinde, Rhodes University, South Africa
Dynamics of Industrial Relations in the Oil and Gas Industry in Indonesia. Ari Kartika Dewa, Total E&P Indonesia
TRACK 4: Industrial Relations and the Informal Sector
Chair: Judge Alan, Boulton, Fair Work Australia
Plenary Session: Decent Works and Social Protection. Prof Payaman Simanjuntak, University Krisnadwipayana, Indonesia
Parallel session papers
Employment Relations in the Informal Sector: Global or Local? Subesh K. Das, India
Industrial Relations and Informal Sector. Adriaan Wolvaardt, International Institute for Social Law and Policy (IISLP), Australia
Industrial Relations and Informal Sector in Indonesia. Riani Rachmawati, Sri Daryanti, University of Indonesia, Indonesia. Alex de Ruyter, University of Birmingham, UK
Social Protection of the Informal Sector: Challenges of the Industrial Relations in Thailand. Prapaporn Tivayanond, University of Oxford, UK. Jomphong Mongkhon vanit, Siam University, Thailand
Social Security for International Migrants in and from Asia. Ockert Dupper, Marius Olivier, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Social Security as Instrument for Decent Work in India’s Informal Sector. Pravin Sinha, Indian Industrial Relations Association, India
Democracy Applications Industrial Decent Work and Informal Sector: Minimum Wage Case Study. Ramli, University of North Sumatra (USU), Indonesia
Industrial Relations and Informal Sector – Decent Works and Social Protection. Rebecca Loudoun, Griffith University, Australia
Formalizing and Extending Social Security to Address Rigidity and Informality of Indonesian Labor Market. Tauvik Muhamad, ILO Jakarta, Indonesia
An Evaluation of Migrant Workers of Indonesia. Rizaldi Parani, Edwin Tambunan, Universitas Penelitian Harapan, Indonesia
Export-led Growth and Wage Inequality – Internal Migrant Workers and China’s Economic Miracle. Liu Kaiming, The Institute of Contemporary Observation, China
Labour Law and Migrant Workers in Australia: Decent Work or Unsafe Work? Paul Harpur, Rebecca Loudoun, Griffith University, Australia
Foreign Workers’ in Developing and Developed Countries: A Problem or an Opportunity? Lee, Hak Chun, Dong-A University, Pusan. Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Informal Employment and Transformation of Labour Control in the Sydney Construction Industry. Joon Shik Shin, Australian National University, Australia
Labor Market Structure and Self-Employment in Three Asian Countries. Hirohisa Takenoshita, Shizuoka University, Japan
Facing Challenges of Contract Works in Indonesia. Muhammad Fadel Noorsal, Riani Rachmawaty, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Employment Practices of Japanese Multinationals. Subesh K. Das, India
Strengthening Social Protection for Indonesian Informal Workers through Legal Empowerment Approaches. Miranda Fajerman, ILO Jakarta Office, Indonesia
Migration-Related Issues in Asia. Marius Olivier, International Institute for Social Law and Policy, Australia
Islamic Compliant Firms for Decent Work and Social Protection. Auwalin, University of Airlangga, Indonesia
TRACK 5: Green Jobs, the Future of Work, HRM
Chair: Judge Alan, Boulton, Fair Work Australia
Plenary Session: Organization and Institutions. Prof Rene Ofreneo, University of the PhilippinesParallel session papers
Work, Industrial Relations and Environmental Sustainability. Sandra Cockfield, Monash University, Australia
Green Jobs in Indonesia: Some Preliminary Case Studies. George Martin Sirait, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Indonesia Green Human Capital and Corporation’s Competitiveness Joseph S. Lee, National Central University, Taiwan. Kiki Chen, Pegatron Corporation, Taiwan
An Exploratory Study on Taiwanese Employees’ Networking at Work. Peter Yang, National Taichung University, Taiwan. Tsai Che Hsiu, WuFeng Institute of Technology, Taiwan
The Future World of Work: e-Health and Professional Workers. Robert Russell, Griffith University, Australia
Work-life Balance in Asian Countries. Paul Blyton, Cardiff University, Wales
Occupational Burnout in a Sample of Geriatric Social Care Professionals in Malaysia. Balan Rathakrishnan, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Aryana Satrya, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
The Diffusion of Performance Pay across Occupations. Jose E. Galdon, Alberto Bayo-Moriones, Sara Martinez-de-Morentin, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain
Organizational Culture and Performance Appraisal Process: Effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Teh Choon Jin, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Job Satisfaction: Need of the Hour. Manthan D. Janodia, Jeena Salim, Abhishek Kumar, D. Sreedhar, Virendra S.Ligade, Ajay Pise, N. Udupa, Manipal University, India
Soft Skill Enhancement through Co-Curriculum Activities: A Case Study from Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Abdul Jamal Abd Hamid, Balakrishnan Parasuraman, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
The Role of Communication in Enhance Employee Volunteerism. Dorien Kartikawangi , Atma Jaya Chatolic University, Indonesia
Developing Training Metrics: Contribution of Management in Achieving Industrial Success. Zenaida Bejasa, University of the Philippines, Philippines
The Implementation of PerformanceAppraisal.Jose E. Galdon, Alberto Bayo-Moriones, Sara Martinez-de-Morentin, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain
Human Aspects of Industries in Malaysia. A.H.M. Zehadul Karim, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
New Prior Notice Period for Employment Termination. David Tan, Asian University, Thailand