Call for Proposals

June 26-30, 2024 – Hilton Midtown Manhattan, NYC

Challenges and Choices at Work in a Time of Heightened Worker Activism

Program Co-Chairs: Jim Pruitt, LERA; Harry Katz, ILERA; Javier Ramirez, FMCS

Deadline for session proposals and single paper abstracts is Nov. 15, 2023.

The Program Committee welcomes session proposals from the best and brightest. All participants (speakers) will need to register (and pay) for the meeting. Registration waivers may be available.
Submit an online proposal at:

The Program Committee invites session ideas for stimulating and creative proposals related to engaging various, sometimes differing, stakeholders involved in employment relations with the end goal of enriching investors, managers, employees, policy makers, and unions. The program format offers fresh opportunities for thought leaders from all aspects of employment and industrial relations to create connections. LERA’s mission bridges research, practice and policy, as well as stakeholders. Proposals incorporating these three aspects are strongly encouraged, as is a balance of gender, racial, and generational diversity among the proposed participants. We also accept submissions from different disciplines, including, but not limited to:

  • Economics
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • Labor and Employment Law
  • Industrial Relations
  • Human Resource Studies

Presentations may take a variety of forms: Paper sessions (symposia), expert panels and lectures, workshops, skill-building, professional development, debates, roundtable discussions, poster sessions, etc. The number of tracks and lengths of sessions depends on the quantity and quality of proposals. To encourage thought diversity, participants may only present on the program once per role.

Deadline: Nov. 15, 2023.

Other paper competitions include LERA Competitive Papers (complete papers up to 30 pages) or the LERA/AILR Paper Competition and the LERA/ICJI Paper Competition (paper proposals up to 3 pages), and the LERA Best Papers edition of the AILR Journal (complete papers up to 30 pages). Winning authors will be invited to present in special sessions at the meeting and may earn invitations to publish. Deadlines: Dec. 15, 2023 and Jan. 15, 2024.

Organizers are required to provide a session abstract and description, identify participants (confirmed or invited), and provide contact info at the time of submission for all session participants. If you have questions about this Call for Proposals, contact:

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