President IIRA: Friedrich Fürstenberg
GENERAL REPORT by Russell D. Lansbury, Macquarie University, Australia
- Technological change and unions by Greg Bamber
- New technology, economic progress and employment by Anders Backstrom
- New technology in the context of structural change by Yasuo Kuwahara
- Industrial relations implications of government policies towards technological change by David M. Dror
- The effects of technological change on women workers by Rose-Marie Greve
- Employers’ response to technological change by Jacques Rojot
- Collective bargaining and new technology: Some preliminary propositions by Thomas A. Kochan and Boaz Tamir
- Technological change: Unions and employers in a new era by Everett M. Kassalow
- Employee involvement programmes and worker perceptions of new technology by Anil Verma and Wilfred Zerbe
- Joseph Alexander (USA): The techno-managerial survival challenge to American unionism
- Brian Brooks (Australia): The legal implications of technological change in Australian -industry
- Peter Cressey (Scotland): Strategies of the parties in the introduction of new technology
- Augusto De Venanzi (Venezuela): Managers.’ and workers’ perceptions of technology: Technological change-and- labour relations
- Giuseppe Della Roca (Italy): Trade union involvement in the introduction of new technology in Western Europe: The results of a cross-national analysis
- Stephen Deery (Australia): Trade union influence over technological change: An Australian perspective
- Vittorio Di Martino: (Italy): Technological participation: options and constraints in industrial relations
- Norman F. Dufty, L. Savery & G. Soutar (Australia): Effects of technological change on banking industry employees
- Gert Graversen (Denmark): A comparative study of two approaches for improving industrial relations
- Frank A. Heller (U.K.): Labour relations and the socio-technical approach
- Dozie P. Igwe-Onu (Nigeria): The impact of technology transfer on industrial relations in developing countries
- Chris Jecchinis (Canada): Technological, change and participation: Minimization and mitigation of technological redundancies.through joint consultation
- Joachim Kossman (F.R. Germany): Menschengerechter Einsatz neuer Technologien
- Herman Knudsen & Jens Lind (Denmark): Rationalisation in the cement industry – as experienced by the maintenance workers
- Solomon B. Levine (U.S.A.); Worker resistance to technological change: Cross-national comparisons
- George John Makusi (Tanzania): Technological change and industrial relations in Tanzania
- Mabigue Ngom (Senegal): Informatisation et emploi
- A.0. Oak (India): Impact of scientific and technological innovations on teaching and non-teaching staff vis-a-vis their relations with the College and University authorities
- Hans Jurgen Rosner (F.R. Germany): New technologies – job opportunities and social risks from new forms of employment
- Hedva Sarfati & Margaret Cove (ILO): New technologies: Skills “mismatch” and the challenge to industrial relations
- Harry F. Stark (USA): The impact of the technological revolution on management
- Hazel T. Suchard (RSA): Technological change in the South African banking industry. Results of a survey and the trade union response
- John C.S. Tang & Kong Yoon Keong (Thailand): Technology transfer in-ASEAN
- Betty Tenmatay (Philippines): Impact of the introduction of technology on the productivity of workers in selected Philippine companies
- Valerie D. Tomlin (Jamaica): Technological-change:-Implications for human resource planning in less developed countries
- William D. Torrence (U.S.A.): Technological change and employment security.
Chairperson: Reinhard Lund. Rapporteur: Manfred Weiss
- The functioning of institutionalised forms of workers’ participation – Seen from a social science perspective by GUnter Endruweit and Gerhard Berger
- Institutional forms of workers’ participation, with special reference to the Federal Republic of Germany: Seen from a unions’ point of view by Gerhard Leminsky
- The functioning of institutionalised forms of workers’ participation: Seen from an employers’ association’s point of view by Rolf Thüsing
- The German model of institutionalised workers’ participation in the international context of workers’ participation by Johannes Schregle
- Workers’ participation in developing countries: Recent developments and trends by Stanislav S. Grozdanic
- An American perspective of the German model of worker participation by Clyde Summers. The German model of institutionalised workers’ participation: An Australain perspective by David H. Plowman
- Co-determination in the Federal Republic of Germany: An external perspective from the United Kingdom by Alan C. Neal
- The German model of institutionalised workers’ participation from the Japanese perspective by Tadashi Hanami
- Adeyemo Aderinto (Nigeria): Workers’ participation in newly industrialising countries: A Nigerian perspective
- Augustine I. Ahiauzu (Nigeria): Industrial democracy and the African industrial man
- Greg J. Bamber (U.K.) & Russell D. Lansbury (Australia): Co-determination and technological change in the German automobile industry
- Aviad Bar-Haim (Israel): Changing patterns of industrial democracy in
- A. Chouraqui & R. Tchobanian (France): L’implantation d’un droit d’expression directe des salaries dans les entreprises françaises étudié à travers l’expérience d’une organisation syndicale
- Edward M. Davis & Russell D. Lansbury (Australia): Workers’ participation in decisions on technological change in Australia
- Huibert de Man (Netherlands): Co-determination experiments in the Netherlands: From social innovation to political symbolism
- Mohamed El Hedi Ben Abdallah (Tunisia): Les structures de la participation des travailleurs dans l’entreprise en Tunisie
- Sayed Iqbal Habib (Pakistan): Joint consultation and workers’ participation
- Andoni Kaiero Uria (Spain): La participación de los trabajadores en la empresa en España
- Samuel W. Kalagbor (Nigeria/Yugoslavia): Management of redundancy in a self-managed economy: The Yugoslavian experience
- Joe L.P. Lugalla (Tanzania/F.R. Germany): Socialism and the system of, workers’ participation in Tanzania
- Adrian Merritt (Australia): Institutional forms of worker participation in Australia in relation to occupational health and safety
- Jacques Monat (IILS-ILO): The transfer of participation technologies: Graft or transplant?
- Julio César Neffa (Argentina): Bases para la discusión de un sistema de participation de los trabajadores a la gestión de las empresas. Proposición de un modelo argentino, al reinstaurarse la vida democratica
- Eliezer Rosenstein (Israel): From direct to indirect patterns of participation – Experience and lessons from Israeli developments
- Krishan C. Sethi (India): Industrial relations structure, organisational framework and workers’ participation
- B. Joseph Stanley (India): Workers’ participation in management in India (A study in selected public and private sector undertakings
- Aremanda V. Subbarao (Canada): Workers’ participation in management and its effect on industrial conflict
- E.A. Williams (Ghana): Workers’ participation in industrial relations in Ghana
- Bernhard Wilpert (F.R. Germany): Formal rules and employee influence: Results from a twelve country comparison
Chairperson: Dorothy Wedderburn. Rapporteur: Tiziano Treu
- Whither the working time debate in western Europe? by Paul Blyton
- Trends in hours and working-time arrangements in the United States of America by Thomas H. Patten, Jr
- Reducing annual working time and improving schedule flexibility – causes, effects, controversies by Gerhard Bosch
- Employment and working time reductions: the discrepancy between macro- and micro-economic research findings by Robert A. Hart
- Trends in working time arrangements in The United States by Stanley D. Nollen
- Working hours and the revision of the labour standards law in Japan by Haruo Shimada and Hitoshi Hayami
- New working time arrangements in The Netherlands by Jelle Visser
- Development tendencies within the Nordic countries concerning working hours by Ulla Weigelt
- Erkki Asp (Finland): The problems of working time especially from the point of view of shift-work
- Duncan C. Campbell (USA): Work-sharing and European labor market strategies
- Andrew Chobot (Poland): Working time in Poland: Questions of the day
- Dieter Gleichfeld (F.R. Germany): Neue Trends bei Arbeitszeitregelung
- Hector Humerez Noguer (Chile): Horario flexible: Satisfacción en el trabajo y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida
- Hector Lucena y Napoleon Goizueta (Venezuela): Tiempo de trabajo, Evolución en tiempo de crisis economica
- Henar Merino Senovilla (Spain): El Ambito subjetivo en los contratos de trabajo a tiempo parcial
- François Sellier (France): Aménagement du temps de travail, articulation de la né gociation entre les niveaux et conflits entre syndicate en France en 1985
- Betty F. Tenmatay (Philippines): The implications of the compressed work-week – A Philippine study
- Pierre Weiss (Switzerland): Horaire et flexibilité du travail en Suisse
Chairperson: Gideon Ben-Israel. Rapporteur: Jack Stieber
- Co-operation and conflict in public sector labour relations by Ruth Ben-Israel
- From compromise to resistance: public sector industrial relations in Canada by Mark Thompson
- Co-operation and conflict in public sector labour relations: The Federal Republic of Germany by Berndt K. Keller
- Unions and employers in government: more conflict than co-operation by Peter Feuille
- Co-operation and conflict in public sector labour relations in Australia by J.E. Isaac
- Labour relations in the Nigerian civil service by Ukandi G. Damachi and Tayo Fashoyin
- Co-operation and conflict in public sector labour relations in Japan by Tadashi Hanami
- Mario E. Ackerman (Argentina): Propuestas para una modernización y democratización del sistema de relaciones laborales en el sector publico en la Republica-Argentina
- Nicholas Blain (Australia), J. Goodman (U.K.) & J. Loewenberg (USA): Conciliation and arbitration: An international comparison of Australia, U.K. and U.S.A
- Anthony Ferner & Michael Terry (U.K.): Political change and industrial relations in the public enterprise: A case study of the British Post Office
- E.G. (Jed) Fisher (Canada): Public sector labour relations in Alberta, Canada
- Piet Gevers (Belgium): Le secteur public menace? Les relations professionnelles hypothéquées?
- Michael Gurdon (USA): Conflict and co-operation in the Australian public service
- Francisco Iturraspe (Venezuela): Crisis, negociación y conflicto en el sector publico en America latina
- Ria Janvier (Belgium): Le statut syndical belge en vigueur pour le personnel des services publics
- Howard M. Leftwich & Edward Herman (USA): Public sector dispute resolution procedures: A case study, of legislation from the U.S.A.
- Roberto Macedo (Brazil): Wage differentials between state and private enterprise in Brazil
- Hanne Petersen (Denmark): Labour law and collective agreements in the public sector in Denmark
- Wlodzimierz Piotrowski (Poland): Die aktuelle Tendenzen in der Regelung der Arbeitsverhaltnisse im offentlichen Dienst in der Volksrepublik Polen
- Allen Ponak (Canada), Gadi Harel (Israel) & Mark Thompson (Canada): Faculty collective bargaining: A cross-cultural survey
- Marc Rigaux (Belgium): Concertation collective dans les secteurs prive et public selon le droit belge Similitudes et differences entre les deux systemes
- Aremanda V. Subbarao (Canada): Labour-management co-operation and conflict in the Indian steel industry: A tale of the two sectors
- Sushila Thakur (India): Conflict and co-operation in Indian public sector banking
- Philip K. Way (USA): U.K. public sector pay and government expenditure restrictions
- Helio Zylberstajn (Brazil): Collective bargaining in Brazilian public enterprises
Chairperson: Geraldo von Potobsky. Rapporteur: Tan Boon Chiang
- Labour relations as a strategic factor in Indian economic development by C.P. Thakur
- Labour relations as a strategic factor in development by G. David G.P. Soysa
- Labour relations and African development by Ukandi G. Damachi and Tayo Fashoyin
- Industrial relations in South Africa by Loet C.G. Douwes Dekker
- Labour relations as a strategic factor in development: The Philippines case by Jose C. Gatchalian and Marie E. Aganon
- Stages of Economic development and industrial relations patterns: The ASEAN case by Basu Sharma
- The trade-off between economic and social development: Industrial relations in Turkey between 1978 and 1985 by Isik Zeytinoglu
- Industrialisation and industrial relations strategies in three developing Asian countries: Problems and prospects by Aremanda V. Subbarao
- Abdelgadir Mohamed Ahmed (Sudan): Rural participation in agricultural schemes: The case of the agricultural workers in the Gezira Scheme
- Bachruddin (Indonesia): Industrial relations in Indonesia
- Darlington Amos Banda (Zambia): The legal aspects of industrial relations in Zambia with particular reference to the right to strike
- Adolfo Ciudad Reynaud (Peru/Spain): La politica de rentas como instrumento de regulación de las relaciones de trabajo- dentro de un proyecto de desarrollo
- Adolfo Ciudad Reynaud (Peru/Spain): Problemas del modelo de relaciones de trabajo peruano para contribuir a un proyecto de desarrollo
- Uka Ezenwe (Nigeria): Role of industrial relations in economic development: The West African experience
- Akin Fadahunsi (Nigeria): Capital-knowledge intensive industries’ employment implications in Third World countries: The case of Nigeria
- Francisco Fernández Mendelewski (Chile): Desarrollo organizacional para el sindicato de base en Chile: Una experiencia de acción – investigación
- Daniel Funes de Rioja (Argentina): El rediseño concertado de un modelo de relaciones laborales para una estrategfa de desarrollo en la Argentina
- Dharambeer Gokhool (Mauritius): Collective bargaining as a means of promoting industrial democracy The Mauritian situation
- Evance Kalula (Zambia): Labour and the state in Zambia: Recent developments
- Joao Baptista Lukombo (Angola/Switzerland): Incidences de relations professionnelles entre coopérants étrangers et homologues nationaux dans l’assistance technique aux projets dans les pays en voie de développement
- Manwana Mungongo (Zaire): Le système des relations professionnelles au Zaire
- Stephen N.M. Nzuve (Kenya): A review of trade unions and the rural-urban migration Kenya
- Peter J. Olsen (Botswana): Industrial relations and development: The need for a new model
- Kwamina Panford (Ghana/USA): Industrial relations in Ghana -A new- dimension, for development: Prospects and problems
- Daljeet Singh Manhas Ips (India): Political ambivalence in employer-employee relations vis-a-vis development: A case study of Himachal Pradesh government-employees -strike- during
- Ricardo Toledo Neder (Brazil): Industrial relations in Brazil: Entangled in a dilemma
Chairperson: Yves Delamotte
- Flexibilite de 1’emploi et tendances au syndicalisme d’entreprise en France par Jean-Franrgois Amadieu
- Controle ouvrier sur le travail et reforme institutionnelle : L’experience de la Grande-Bretagne par Jacques Bélanger
- Pour une sociologie du juge prud’homal par Jean-Pierre Bonafe-Schmitt
- Definition de nouvelles formes de negociation et de concertation dans 1’entreprise frangaise; aspects pratiques et problematique par Guy Groux
- Human capital and multinationals: Some evidence from American and Japanese companies in Thailand by John S. Lawler, Mahmood A. Zaidi and Chira Hongladarom
- The Ulster teachers’ union – A case study of a Northern Irish trade union by Richard Mapstone
- The management of industrial relations in UK multi-plant enterprises: A new survey approach by Paul Marginson and John Purcell
- Recent progress in workforce reduction research: The United States case by Harold Oaklander
- Recent trends in industrial relations research: The problem of managerial strategies and industrial relations by Paolo Perulli
- Problem solving in labour negotiations: A comparative study of the United States, Israel and New Zealand by Arie Shirom, Richard B. Peterson and Lane N. Tracy
- Recent trends in industrial relations research within labour law in Nordic countries by Vivan Storlund and Niklas Bruun
- Reflections on the management of labour in recession by T. Sullivan, P. Barrar and B. Hogge.
- Mohamed Abou Abdellah (Maroc): U.G.T.M. (L’union générale des travailleurs marocains)
- Remi Adeyemo (Nigeria): Women’s labour relations in Africa south of the Sahara: A new dimension of women in food-processing industry
- Jean Boivin (Canada): Les relations industrielles
- Judith L. Catlett (U.S.A.): Women union members in the United States: A look at local activists
- Toker Dereli (Turkey): Centralisation tendencies in Turkish labour unionism and their implications
- Yehuda Don (Israel): Role of trade unions in post- industrial economies
- Nils Elvander (Sweden): Can the government control wage negotiations?
- Rose Marie Greve (IILS-ILO): Women workers and industrial relations structures
- June M. Hearn (Australia): Corporatism Australian style. The prices and incomes accord
- Yueh-Chin Hwang (Taiwan): Arbeitsrecht in der Republic of China – Rückschau and Prospekt
- Imonitie C. Imoisili (Nigeria): The impact of the economic recession on bargaining in the food, beverage and tobacco industries in Nigeria
- Herman Jacobs (Netherlands): Characteristics of European wage structures and suggestions for further research about wage determination processes
- Herman Jacobs (Netherlands): The comparison of male and female wages
- S.S. Jha (India): Effects of industrial relations systems on organizational behaviour in Indian context
- S.S. Jha (India): Job design and quality of working life
- Harsh Kapoor (India): The Union Research Group (Bombay) experience in providing services to the labour movement: Some notes from a newly evolving critical engagement presentation of research agenda on automation
- Tamara L. Leonard (USA): Comparable worth: The prospects of an idea
- Len Mandelbaum (USA): Unilateral application of principled bargaining: A case of lambs and lions?
- J.S. Narayan Rao (India): Economic trends in recent industrial relations research
- Mabigué Ngom (Sénégal): Les femmes sur 1e marché de l’emploi en Afrique: Approfondir les connaissances de l’emploi féminin pour mieux cerner les problèmes
- Rene E. Ofreneo (Philippines): Agrarian workers: Invisible participants in the Philippine industrial relations systems
- A.E. Ogaba Otokpa (Nigeria): Unemployment among Nigerian female graduates: Some sociological problems raised its daily increase
- Olufemi Oludimu (Nigeria): Workers’ co-operatives and management patterns: A pilot study of an apex industrial association in a developing economy (Nigeria)
- Liba Paukert (Switzerland): Male and female earnings differentials in industrialised countries
- Ludger Pries (F.R. Germany): The “independent unionism” in Mexico: A chance to change the state-dominated system of industrial relations?
- Juan Raso Delgue (Uruguay): La experiencia uruguaya en materia de concertación: Realidades, fracasos y perspectivas
- Higdon C. Roberts, Jr. & Ralph A. Johnson (USA): Rank and file participation in the local union: An analysis of decline
- Robert Mc Ivor Robinson (Trinidad and Tobago): The impact of economic contraction on industrial relations in Trinidad and Tobago
- Sheila G. Rothwell (U.K.): ‘Equal value’ in the United Kingdom
- B.A. Rowe (Australia): Industrial relations in the oil industry in Fiji, 1959-80
- Hugh Scullion (U.K.); New industrial relations practices in Scotland
- Sununta Siengthai (Thailand): Male-female earning differentials in urban labour markets: A case study of Thailand
- Ramsumair Singh (U.K.): The industrial court of Trinidad and Tobago: Retrospect and prospect
- Beverly Springer, Darlene O’Hara & Nicola Kettlitz (USA): The impact of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on the Conduct of Industrial Relations of American Multinational Enterprises operating in France
- Udo Staber (Canada): Is small beautiful? A pilot study of employment adequacy in small firms in the Canadian Maritimes
- Nurhan Süral (Turkey): Disputes settlement procedures in Turkey
- Hiromasa Suzuki (Japan): An international overview of equal pay issues: Major developments since 1975
- Andrzej Swiatkowski (Poland): Recent trends in collective labour relations in Poland
- Sushila Thakur (India): Women and labour market in developing economy: Case of India
- William D. Torrence (USA) & Claude Piganiol (France): Women, pay and comparable worth: Comparison of U.S.A. and France
- Bakary Traore (Mali): Choix de technologies appropriées et gestion des ressources humaines dans les entreprises des économies sub-sahariennes
- Raj Kumar Varma (India): Recent trends in industrial relations in India – Jamshed pur profile
- Jerry A. Wallin (USA), Jagdeep S. Chhokar (India), Ron Johnson (USA): Performance enhancement strategies: field study application
- Michael M. Wei (Taiwan): Increase productivity through better labour-management relations
- Elaine G. Wrong (USA): Labour-management dispute resolution in Switzerland