Luis Aparicio Prize
2024 Edition of the Luis Aparicio Prize

Mr. Hatim A. Rahman
Co-winner of the 2024 ILERA Luis Aparicio Prize at the 20th ILERA World Congress in New York.
The Luis Aparicio Prize was awarded to Mr. Hatim A. Rahman on the occasion of the 20th ILERA World Congress, which took place in New York, USA from 26 to 30 June 2024
2021 Edition of the Luis Aparicio Prize

Ms Maite Tapia of the Michigan State University
Co-winner of the 2021 edition of the LAP – at the 2021 ILERA World Congress in Lund, Sweden

Ms Chiara Benassi of King’s College London
Co-winner of the 2021 edition of the LAP
The Luis Aparicio Prize was awarded for the fourth time on the occasion of the 19th ILERA World Congress, which took place in Lund, Sweden from 21 to 24 June 2021. For this edition, eleven highly talented nominations were received.
The selection process
The Selection Committee for 2021 was chaired by Anil Verma and composed of the following persons:
- Mark Anner, Winner L.A. Prize 2012, USA
- Janice Bellace, Past-President, ILERA, USA
- Susan Hayter, ILO
- Harry C. Katz, President-Elect, ILERA, USA
- Dong-one Kim, Past-President, ILERA, South Korea
- Adam Litwin, Winner L.A. Prize 2018, USA
- Eleonora Peliza, ILERA Executive Committee member, Argentina
- Dionne Pohler, Winner L.A. Prize 2018, Canada
- Mia Ronnmar, President, ILERA, Sweden
- Raul Saco, Professor, Lima, Peru
- Anil Verma, Chair, Canada
- Chris Wright, Winner L.A. Prize 2015, Australia
In 2021, the Luis Aparicio Prize was awarded to two co-winners:
- Maite Tapia
- Chiara Benassi
2018 Edition of the Luis Aparicio Prize

Ms Dionne Pohler of the University of Toronto
Co-winner of the 2018 edition of the LAP – at the 2018 ILERA World Congress in Seoul, South Korea

Mr Adam Seth Litwin of Cornell University
Co-winner of the 2018 edition of the LAP
The Luis Aparicio Prize was awarded for the third time on the occasion of the 18th ILERA World Congress, which took place in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 23 to 27 July 2018. For this edition, fourteen highly talented nominations were received.
The selection process
The Selection Committee for 2018 was chaired by Anil Verma and composed of the following persons:
- Soren Anderson, Denmark
- Janice Bellace, United States
- Kamran Fannizadeh, ILERA Secretary
- Enrique de la Garza, Mexico
- Evance Kalula, South Africa
- Maarten Keune, the Netherlands
- Dong-one Kim, Republic of Korea
- Russell Lansbury, Australia
- Michio Nitta, Japan
- Moussa Oumarou, ILO
- Mia Ronnmar, Sweden
- Weiguo Yang, China
In 2018, the Luis Aparicio Prize was awarded to two co-winners:
- Dionne Pohler
- Adam Seth Litwin
In addition, five runners up were selected:
- Chiara Benassi
- Eli Friedman
- Kaifeng Jiang
- J. Ryan Lamare
- Rebecca Zahn
2015 Edition of the Luis Aparicio Prize

Chris F. Wright

Ariel Avgar

Keith Townsend
The second Edition of the Luis Aparicio Prize took place in 2015. A call for nominations was sent in January and nominations were received until the end of June. Thirteen very qualified nominations were received.
The 2015 nominees:
- Ariel Avgar, University of Illinois, USA
- Jonathan Booth, London School of Economics, UK
- Rosemary Danesi, University of Lagos, Nigeria
- Jimmy Donaghey, University of Warwick, UK
- Hyunji Kwon, Seoul National University, Korea
- Ryan Lamare, Penn State University, USA
- Chikako Oka, Royal Holoway University, London, UK
- Dionne Pohler, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- Andrea Signoretti, University of Verona, Italy
- Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota, USA
- Keith Townsend, Griffith University, Australia
- Johanna Weststar, Western University, Canada
- Chris Wright, Sydney University, Australia
The selection process
The following people were part of the 2015 selection committee:
- Evance Kalula, President, ILERA
- Janice Bellace, Past-President, ILERA
- Dong-One Kim, President-Elect, ILERA
- Moussa Oumarou, Secretary-Treasurer, ILERA
- Changwon Lee, Korea Labour Institute
- Maarten Keune, Univ of Amsterdam
- Tom Kochan, MIT, Past-President, ILERA
- Tayo Fashoyin, Past-Secretary-Treasurer ILERA
- Helio Zylberstajn, Univ of São Paulo
These Committee members received all the curriculum vitea and were asked to score each candidates on three criteria: quantity of publications, quality of publications and all other academic achievements. Each criterion was scored on a 10-point scale. These scores were added and normalized across raters to account for any rater bias towards relatively high or low scores.
The final tally showed three candidates from the top to be very close to each other. To arrive at a winner from this shortlist, the Committee was asked to rank the three candidates based on their full academic records including publications and other indicators of academic excellence such as editorships, grants, conferences, etc.
The winner received a recognition plaque and a cheque for USD 1000. The runners-up were awarded a two-year membership in ILERA and a certificate of recognition. In addition, all the remaining candidates were awarded a one-year membership to ILERA.
At the gala dinner in Cape Town during the 17th World Congress, the winner received his award from Roger Blanpain, Belgium, Past-President of ILERA.
2012 Edition of the Luis Aparicio Prize

Mark Anner, Janice Bellace and Russell Lansbury

Mark Anner, Moussa Oumarou
On the occasion of the 16th ILERA World Congress, Philadelphia, USA, the first Luis Aparicio Prize was awarded to Prof. Mark Anner of the Pennsylvania State University. The selection committee decided to reward Mark Anner for his research on labor responses to globalization in the auto and apparel industries, corporate social responsibility, and labour law reform and enforcement in Latin America.
The nominees:
- Manuel Gonzalo De Lama, Peru
- Andrea Sanchez, Peru
- Mark Anner, USA
- Gonzalo Duran, Chile
- Elmer Alce, Peru
- Luk Tai Yeung, Brazil
- Catherin Ludo McFarren, Australiav
- Tony Fang, Canada