Cape Town, South Africa, 5-8 March 2002
Welcoming Address at the Opening Ceremony
Africa in a changing world: Socio-economic and political challenges for governments, unions and employers
Presentations focused on: Declining union membership/ unionisation, AIDS, Unemployment, Wealth redistribution, Poverty alleviation, Social responsibility, Social partnership, National conflicts and Informal sectors
Unlocking opportunities in the context of African values: Capacity-building and workplace level dynamics
Papers focused on: Education, Training and Development, HR Management, Culture, Individualism versus collectivism, Workplace participation, Industrial democracy, Changing nature of work and Collective bargaining
Employment Relations Systems in Africa: Equity versus Efficiency
Papers focused on: Labour standards and job creation, The effect of globalization on the labour market, Wages, productivity and employment, Harmonisation of labour laws, Comparative labour law, Employment equity and Affirmative action.
- Looking East: Diffusing High Performance Work Practices in the Southern Afro-Asian Context
- Equality in Employment in South Africa and the United States
- Cultural Dimensions of Industrial Relations Modernisation: Peculiarities in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and States of Southern and Western Africa
- Dynamics of Employment Relations System in Eritrea: A Quest for Renaissance
- The Unemployment Insurance Bill: A Relic of the Past?
- Impact of The Informal Sector on African Industrial Relations Systems
- The Institutionalisation of Collective Bargaining In Zimbabwe: A Pig in a Poke for Trade Unions?
- Employee Ownership (EO) in the Privatization Process of Sudan: Progress, Problems and Prospects
- The Democratic Labour Participation Challenge
- Using Mediation to Resolve Statutory Employment Disputes: More Justice at Lower Cost for More Workers
- Layoffs in the South African and United States Mining Industries Compared
- NEDLAC’s Workplace Challenge Project in the South African Plastics Industry: Neo-Unitarism or Nation-Building?
- Social Protection, Poverty Alleviation and Social Security in the SADC Region: The Need for Developing a Co-Ordinated Social Security Paradigm
- Comparisons Between Canadian (Federal) and South African Employment Equity Laws: Policies and Issues
- Private Dispute Settlement: Creative Strategies to Prevent Disputes and Promote the Shift From Conflict to Co-Operation in the Workplace
- The Relationship Between Demographic Variables and Justice Perceptions of the Employment Equity Act
- Pressures and Tensions in the Development of Selected African IR Systems
- The Moral Dimension of Corporate Responsibility: Aids and the Development of Global Human Resources; The Case of South Africa
- Can Industrial Relations Cope? The Impact of, and Response to HIV/AIDS in Botswana Enterprises: Insights from Four Case Studies During 2001
- Unemployment / Job Creation in SA
- African Renaissance – What are the Implications for Labour Relations?
- The Emergence and Role of Black Intellectuals in The Development of the Trade Union Movement in South Africa: A Case Study of Numsa
- The Avoidance and Marginalisation of Union Representation Through Foreign Direct Investment: Implications for Transnational, Inter-Union Co-Operation
- Poverty Alleviation Process and Employee’s Wellbeing in a Democratized Nigeria
- Social Dialogue, Conflict Management and Labour Market Stability in SADC: Recent Developments
- The Pregnant Workers Directive 92/85 and the Impact on Women Workforce: The Case of United Kingdom
- Industrial Relations in Zimbabwe Today: Declining Social Responsibility of the State
- Fishing for Africa: The Impact on Performance of Different Strategies at Two Fish Processing Plants on The Southern Tip of Africa
- Overview of Labour Movements in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe: Strengths, Weaknesses and Challenges
- An Issue on Human Resource Management in Korean Companies: Early Retirement Program
- Employment and Unemployment in Angola: Implications With Informal Sector, Poverty and Intern Conflict
- IR Competencies for the Changing Work Environment: A South African Study of Industry Requirements
- Labour Law Harmonisation from the ILO’s Standpoint
- Human Resource Development: A Sine Qua Non for Foreign Direct Investment in South Africa
- Gender Mainstreaming in the International Labour Organization
- Labouring for Advantage: Worker Stakes in a Globalizing Economy
- Global Issues, Labour Standards and Social Dialogue in Africa