International Labour and Employment Relations Association

Making and Breaking Gender Inequalities in Work

This timely book expertly analyses the persistence of gender inequalities in work. Despite the progress made through frameworks regulating work and employment relations, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed and exacerbated gender divides in labour markets. The authors present innovative ways to promote gender equality in a variety of industrial relations systems, welfare state models and labour market sectors.

Organizing matters: Two logics of trade union representation

Organizing matters: Two logics of trade union representation

Organizing matters demonstrates the interplay between two distinct logics of labour’s collective action: on the one hand, workers coming together, usually at their place of work, entrusting the union to represent their interests and, on the other, social bargaining in which the trade union constructs labour’s interests from the top down.

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The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations. Events, Ideas and the IIRA

The Global Evolution of Industrial Relations. Events, Ideas and the IIRA

Essential reading for all those concerned with the history and practice of industrial relations, this landmark volume chronicles the evolution of the field to date. It focuses on the largely untold story of how the globalization of industrial relations took hold, and explores in depth the pivotal events, ideas and people behind it.

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The International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) was established in 1967 and its general purpose is to promote the study of labour and employment relations throughout the world in the relevant academic disciplines, by such means as:

  • encouraging the establishment and development of national associations of labour and employment relations specialists;
  • facilitating the spread of information about significant developments in research and education in the field of labour and employment relations;
  • organising worldwide and regional congresses; and
  • promoting internationally planned research, by organising study groups on particular topics.

The aim of the ILERA is of a purely scientific character, without regard to political, philosophic or religious considerations. The Association does not endorse opinions on policy questions.

Today the Association has over 900 members worldwide including prominent industrial relations scholars and practitioners and 38 national associations and 1 regional association who together form the ILERA Council.

An ILERA World Congress is convened every 3 years, where professionals interested in all aspects of labour and employment relations meet to share ideas about new developments, ideas and practices in the field.

ILERA also organizes, through its national affiliates, regional congresses.

ILERA Publications

Organizing matters: Two logics of trade union representation

Trade Unions and Migrant Workers: New Contexts and Challenges in Europe – 2017

Study Groups

How to join

Industrial relations directors, officers or practitioners as well as social dialogue specialists, labour administrators, employment relations specialists, human resource consultants, members and representatives of workers’ and employers’ organizations, government officials, labour lawyers, students, academics and all others dealing with employee relations would greatly benefit from becoming a member of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association and from participating in our congresses.

Types of membership

There are three categories of members of ILERA namely, full member (or national member), institutional associate member, individual associate member.


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